I know everyone keeps telling you that "it's the most beautiful time", "Relax and enjoy your last moments of peace", "Read a book", but let's face it, Not all of us are built to be able to switch off right away. It takes quite a bit for you to stop worrying about who is answering your hundreds of emails or if someone remembered to contact that client you asked them too for the big meeting next week.
Are you the sort of person that has cleaned the house, washed and folded all the baby clothes, gone for coffee with your friends and has run out of things to do 3 days into your Maternity leave? I totally get it! Why don't you come and hang out with us?
Eve Editorial is designed for the modern woman. A work-a-holic myself, I am of the generation where women are independent, confident and accomplished. Most of us actually don't know what to do with ourselves when we get to the last trimester of pregnancy because our minds haven't been trained to be stay-at-home-mums these days. In a society that tends to brag about how many hours we work per week like a badge on our sleeve, it tends to be a hard thing to not feel guilty about relaxing (Don't worry you'll be racking up those hours again in no time lol).
Do you need help to wind down? Change the patterns. Celebrate the new path and let our team help you switch off. Eve Editorial has a professional hair and makeup artist that will pamper you the whole way along. We have a studio full of fabulous outfits that are sure to make you feel amazing when nothing fun fits any more. A published photographer that will look after all the posing and lighting so you look like something off the front of a Vogue magazine. Coconut water-a-plenty, belly casting, fans for your hair, stunning on location vistas, you name it, we've got you covered!
Yes, yes, it is a magical time, but not everyone gets into the swing of things as easily as others. Let us help you get into the groove. You can even ask your ladies to gift it to you for your baby shower, we can set up a part payment gift card under your name! At the very least you will have something fun to do for a day and some stunning family heirlooms to show for it.
Contact either hello@eveeditorial.com or Marigold 0405 117 428