I am in no way encouraging people to become slovenly in their behaviours, but guilt is a rubbish emotion, especially when it is created by one's self.
Don't get me wrong, I love to exercise and I generally feel good afterwards, especially if I do it regularly. However the fact of the matter is, that I don't like doing it on my own and I am terrible at keeping myself accountable. I just don't go.
So here I am wasting money every week on a gym membership I don't even use and then I am doubling my guilt because 1. I'm rarely going and 2. I'm throwing money down the drain when it could be spent on other things.
So I decided that this year for my New Years resolution, I am quitting the gym and the guilt that comes with it. I can be active in other ways like hiking and if I want to do a random dance class or gym session once in a blue moon, then I can go and do it and pay the $20 as a once off. I am still saving money!
So this year I am encouraging you to be kind to yourself when you make your New Years resolutions. As some of you know, I like to set inspiring goals each year. Something fun to achieve that is something to strive for. This year one of my New Years resolutions is to get good at drone photography. I'm so obsessed with it right now and I am excited to push myself to get to know another form of photography. This is a challenge I am ready to grab a hold of with both hands (on a remote controller lol)
This little sneak peek below was shot at one of my shoots by my cousin Jasper Meagher and although there is a lot of room for improvement, I can also see the huge scope for exciting footage that can be created. I can't wait to get started!!
Windy drone practice with no editing
This is horrifically compressed via Facebook, it was windy and there has been no editing done to it, but I still love the effect of this gorgeous zoom out while on location.